41. Being Good

Most of us are taught from a young age to be good, and some of us have come to think of this as a bad thing, that rules stifle creativity and individuality. Rules can be a good thing, but because we learn them as children, we sometimes shape our identities around them and think that we can never be good enough.

As children, we are often instructed to do (or stop doing) something that goes against what we really want, and as autonomous adults, the challenge is reprogramming ourselves and finding harmony with what we truly want. 

Reclaiming your own agency as opposed to always looking for external validation is part of the fundamentals of what I teach, so listen as I walk you through an exercise to help you get in touch with what you want. 

Show Highlights

  • what it means to “be good”

  • why some of us vilify rules

  • how to reprogram your behavior as an independent adult

  • why we seek external validation

  • the importance of reclaiming your own agency and an exercise to help you do it


Sheila’s Website
Email me: sheila@sheilatully.com


42. Forgiveness


40. Finally Free: A Conversation with Kristen Gilliland, Ph.D., Warren Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery