10. How You Let Go

Letting things go can be easier said than done, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Listen in as I share how to let go of parts of our pasts that might be causing us pain, starting with letting go of small things to practice getting rid of larger things.

When we can’t let go of something unpleasant, that is a vibration or stuck energy. We are designed to dislike feeling negative emotions, so we try to avoid feeling them, but a lot of trouble would be avoided if we just let ourselves feel them and let them pass.

Doing so isn’t easy and requires practice, but we learn how to decide not to make something a problem by practicing on the small stuff. With practice, you will eventually notice that bigger things that used to upset you won’t bother you as much anymore, but remember - that doesn’t mean that you will ever be perfect, and that’s okay.

Show Highlights

  • why it’s so difficult for us to let go of the past

  • how we are both physical and nonphysical beings

  • the importance of learning and practice

  • why we need to be the supervisors of our own minds

  • what practicing letting go looks like

  • the different levels of practice

  • how we notice feelings before we notice thoughts

  • why we need to recognize progress over perfection


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Email me: sheila@sheilatully.com


11. The 3 Reasons You Overeat


9. How to Stop Buffering