79. What Is So Special About Being “Present”?

Join me this week as we dive deep into the concept of being “present.” We often hear about the importance of presence, especially in our most cherished moments, but what does it truly mean to be present, and why is it so powerful?

I break down the dynamics of our brains, the right hemisphere capturing the essence of now, while the left brain constantly compares to the past and projects into the future. Our ability to be present is our true superpower, aligning us with the vitality of life itself. Listen as we explore how to starve the egoic mind, unleash our creative agency, and make presence the primary force in our lives.

Be sure to also stay tuned to the end for information about a special guide on gaining clarity about what you truly want. Let's flip the paradigm and steer our thoughts towards the life we desire.

Show Highlights

  • the power of being present and how it helps foster awareness

  • the role of the Ego and understanding its function

  • how to flip the paradigm and shift from thinking about the past and worrying about the future

  • how to help foster an ability to direct your thoughts purposefully and gain creative agency


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Email me: sheila@sheilatully.com


80. The Essential Life Skill of High Functioning Adults


78. Mr. Rogers, Still Helping the Humans