32. What Do Love and Compassion Have to Do with Focus?

Listen in today as I share a story about a client who felt conflicted between her compassion for her mother who was going through a tough time and her responsibilities toward her job, a story that serves as a perfect example of the Thought Work that I teach and talk about on this podcast.

We often create a lot of unnecessary suffering for ourselves when we don’t bring the Thought Work back to ourselves and are not giving ourselves enough compassion. Your primary responsibility in life is to yourself. You are in charge of you, and it takes a lot of maturity to move past our primitive brain and take care of ourselves in such a way. That love and compassion for yourself can help prevent so much unnecessary pain and suffering.

Show Highlights

  • sign up for my upcoming webinar.

  • reminder to always bring Thought Work back to you

  • how to know whether or not a thought is working to your advantage

  • reminder that the story you tell yourself is your personal steering wheel

  • why we need to have compassion not only for others but for ourselves


Sheila’s Website

Taking the Reins on Your Brain Webinar

Email me: sheila@sheilatully.com


33. Clean Pain


31. How Are You Using Your Personal Power?