33. Clean Pain

I have talked a lot on the podcast about how to reduce unnecessary suffering, but if there is unnecessary suffering, then that begs the question of whether or not there is necessary suffering. The short answer is yes, and it’s something that some people call clean pain.

Think of the loved ones you’ve lost, the homes that you loved that you had to leave behind, or the beloved jobs that you had to leave. These types of losses are a part of life, and they can be beautiful because they’re reflective of what we love and value.

That kind of pain can be cleansing and cathartic, but there is of course unnecessary suffering or optional pain. This often comes from negative thoughts that we have as a result of pain. It’s so important to know that unnecessary pain doesn’t come from anywhere other than your own mind.

Show Highlights

  • is there such a thing as necessary suffering?

  • how pain can be cleansing?

  • what can happen if we stay in a sad story for too long?


Sheila’s Website
Email me: sheila@sheilatully.com
Living in the Sandwich Zone Podcast


34. Self-Sabotage


32. What Do Love and Compassion Have to Do with Focus?