19. What is the Opposite of People Pleasing?

Some of us consider ourselves people pleasers by nature, wanting to please people at our own expense by saying yes when what we really want to say is no. Why do we do this? It’s human nature to want to be liked and accepted. However, when we identify something as wrong, our frequent go-to is to do the polar opposite, but that isn’t always the answer, nor does it always work.

The concept of pleasing others is sometimes a good thing. Wanting to make others happy can be a beautiful trait, and I’m not here to tell you to stop doing that. It can be helpful, however, to determine when people pleasing becomes unhealthy. Listen as I walk you through how to find this balance rather than just try to switch over to whatever you see as the opposite. Increasing your tolerance for negative emotions can make your life so much better.

Show Highlights

  • what people pleasing is

  • why people pleasing is a common phenomenon

  • when the concept of people pleasing becomes unhealthy

  • an example from my own life of saying yes when I wanted to say no

  • how to increase your tolerance for negative emotions and why you should

  • the step-by-step process that worked for me


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Email me: sheila@sheilatully.com


20. Learn This Modern Emotional Super Power


18. Facts versus Thoughts